Environmental justice solutions for people by people.


The core partners of the Canopy Collective are the culturally-specific, community-based organizations led by, and serving, Black, Indigenous, Latiné and Disabled communities working at the intersection of multicultural community resilience and environmental justice.

  • ELSO Inc.

    ELSO, Inc. teaches and frames STEAM and nature-based education through a lens that centers and elevates the stories, ways of knowing, individual needs, and lived experiences of Black and Brown communities.


    ELSO, Inc has convened this Collective with the assistance of local partners and will continue to be the organizing entity within the collective. ELSO, Inc will create project administrative systems, establish contracts and agreements, create a monitoring and evaluation plan, and develop a partner integrated start-up plan. After initial convening meetings, ELSO, Inc will lead the launch of the following three subcommunities focused on 1) stewardship, 2) youth green workforce development, and 3) neighborhood engagement. Planning efforts and Project Management for the Collective will be led by ELSO staff.

  • Blueprint Foundation

    The Blueprint Foundation is a Black-led workforce development nonprofit that aims to eliminate the opportunity gap for Black residents within the Portland metropolitan area.


    Blueprint will work with the network to align our programming for collective impact and expanding our middle and high school workforce development program to take on the installation and maintenance of trees and native plants in Justice40 neighborhoods

  • Valadrian Creative & Consulting

    Valadrian Creative & Consulting is a multicultural communications and public relations LLC and curators of Northwest Family Daycation program focused on providing equitable access to natural spaces.


    Valadrian Creative and Consulting will design and execute curated and digital self-guided experiences for multigenerational families based in their own neighborhoods, built around localized cultural markers with a tree and urban canopy focus. We will coordinate co-design of a cohesive partnership-wide communications strategy, for an authentic, relevant, and sincere brand voice. We will assist on internal communications, and through facilitated sessions support network purpose alignment. Finally, we will design and produce materials and media, and create a network/coalition main website to serve as a repository and forum for shared resources, findings, and community feedback to enhance the effectiveness of each partner.

  • Access Recreation

    Access Recreation serves people with disabilities, of all ages, in accessing outdoor recreation experiences.


    Access Recreation will be advising our Collective and other involved organizations on how to make stewardship of the natural world more accessible; networking with other organizations that serve people with disabilities to increase participation in stewardship, education and recreation, especially for people living in our most tree-deprived locations; consulting on communications approaches to provide quality information in outreach efforts; and coordinate access to all-terrain Trackchairs for accessing stewardship sites.

  • I'm Hooked Inc.

    I'm Hooked Inc. creates and organizes activities and instruction connecting ambitious youth to nature and to their environment.


    I'm Hooked Inc. will support the Collective during stewardship events, tree plantings, and for nature adventures both near and far. Their educational topics will connect the importance of trees, forests and canopies to stream health—vital for healthy wildlife and people. And they expect that kids and families will catch a few fish along the way.

  • Lower Columbia Nature Network

    The Lower Columbia Nature Network (LCNN) connects community to nature by fostering partnerships in Clark County and southwest Washington. The LCNN is a regional coalition of partners who are committed to connect kids and families to nature through a variety of programs, destinations and activities.


    The LCNN will support the Canopy Collective team to expand opportunities for youth in our communities, especially the Fruit Valley and Fourth Plain corridors in Vancouver, WA. LCNN will be available to help facilitate conversations and connect resources and partnerships.

  • PSU Indigenous Nations Studies Dept

    PSU's Indigenous Nations Studies Department fosters emerging Indigenous student leaders to gain a deeper understanding of the land and Indigenous practices and how to engage in a culturally responsible ways to heal landscapes, communities, and people through Indigenous Traditional Ecological and Cultural Knowledge.


    Our role in the Canopy Collective will be to assist in identifying and recruiting PSU Indigenous students annually for living-wage apprenticeships hired by ELSO. Our students would bring knowledge of culturally significant trees and herbaceous plants, an ability to share with and teach others, and new ideas for addressing climate challenges. PSU would continue to provide students selected for the apprenticeships, mentorship support through our local Indigenous academic and community spaces that are critical for success, and safe space to expand their learning and explore ideas and careers.


Supporting the Collective are key government agencies who will provide resources, skills training, access to public lands, and more throughout the development and implementation of the Canopy Collective project.

  • USFWS Urban Wildlife Conservation program

    The US Fish and Wildlife Service Urban Conservation Wildlife Program is defined by four critical elements: community-focused, intentional, inclusive, and collaborative. With this focus, USFWS provides a model for addressing systemic racism and advancing equity in conservation.


    Our participation will take the form of technical assistance for planning, stewardship and project administration, access to local public lands for community education centered on intact canopies, oak savannahs and woodlands, riparian forest, and other related habitats, and coaching on federal financial assistance processes.

  • City of Vancouver Urban Forestry and Climate Action Team

    The Urban Forestry team supports a robust urban canopy planning and management framework with targeted goals across Vancouver, with a special focus on low canopy areas in Fruit Valley and Fourth Plain neighborhoods. We provide the tools, resources and knowledge to support tree planting and maintenance, while offering guidance for proper tree planting locations and long-term care. We are committed to improving the health of our natural systems, maintaining and increasing our community’s tree canopy, and enhancing community health and quality of life.


    The Canopy Collective work ties into the implementation of several components of the City's Urban Forestry Management Plan, including addressing tree inequity and urban tree canopy expansion with community engagement. This partnership will benefit our shared regional goal to build a youth-focused voice related to career skills development and climate impact with tree enhancements. Building capacity with local nonprofits with similar missions allows us to engage a larger segment of our community and accomplish more together.


    Clark County Public Works enhances Clark County’s quality of life by providing transportation, environmental, and parks facilities and services with a range of commitments including activity coordination, education, planners, park maintenance and county leadership.


    We will support the Collective's work by engaging youth in skill-development activities that enhance the urban tree canopy on county lands. These activities, like tree planting events, will provide nurturing, skill-developing outdoor activities to diverse groups of students. This work will increase equitable access to urban tree canopy and associated benefits and will also align with our goals to better serve our growing, diversifying community in new, exciting, engaging ways.

  • Lower columbia estuary partnership

    The Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership is a non-profit, a National Estuary Program, and a collection of dedicated scientists, educators, and community members who are passionate about the Columbia River and skilled in small and large-scale restoration of upland and wetland habitats. Long history of working with local metropolitan area jurisdictions riparian revegetation, stormwater and impervious surface retrofitting and schoolyard improvements.


    Support from the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership will take many forms, including providing opportunities for workforce development crews to learn about riparian plant stewardship, green infrastructure - though stormwater retrofit construction, and habitat restoration; helping engage youth in nature and tree planting projects; helping to coordinate with agency, school, and community partners around projects; providing tree species and planting expertise at schools; coordinating school-based planting events; and collaborating to integrate green infrastructure projects that capture and treat school based stormwater runoff.


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Portland-Vancouver Canopy COllective